Beanies are a great staple of every wardrobe. One of the best things about beanies is that if you’re in a colder climate and need to accessorize a winter or fall outfit, a beanie is a great type of hat to wear.
Perhaps best of all, beanies aren’t so thick or warm that they can’t be worn indoors, too. That means that you don’t need to worry much about dealing with hat hair if you’re transitioning from the outside to the inside, like meeting friends at the pub or doing a little shopping at an outdoor mall.
From a style standpoint, if you want to wear a beanie every day that’s your prerogative. That being said, some people are also curious about whether or not wearing a beanie every day can damage your hair.
The good news is that beanies don’t run a risk of harming your head or hair with everyday use; however, there are some tips you should follow just to keep your luscious locks in great condition when wearing a beanie. Here are two tips to consider if you plan on wearing a beanie every day.

Be mindful of oils
You can thank your scalp for helping produce the oil that keeps your hair healthy; however, if you’re wearing a hat like a beanie often you may find yourself with oilier than usual hair. This is because the simple fact that a beanie is designed for warmth means that your hat will trap more heat in your head, causing an increase in sweat and other oils.
In turn, this can cause your hair to be a bit greasier looking than it might normally be—something that you definitely don’t want if you’re going to be removing your hat over the course of the day.
How can you keep your hair fresh? For starters, you’ll want to make sure to shower each day. It may also make sense to wash your hair in the evenings instead of the mornings, just because this can help to eliminate some of the excess oil that has built up after a day of wearing your beanie. It’s also worth considering looser weaves for your beanie and natural fibers to help reduce how much heat gets trapped on your head.
Size your beanie up
From a comfort standpoint, wearing your beanie every day won’t be much fun if it’s too tight. Additionally, a beanie that’s fitted too tightly could pull on your hair or cut off circulation to your follicles.
While that’s not too common with beanies, seeing as they’re generally a looser fit in the first place if you’re planning on wearing your beanie for hours on end each and every day it won’t hurt to size your beanie up. You can also look into universal-sized beanies which are less likely to fit too tightly on your head and cause discomfort over long periods of time.
Having a trademark accessory or consistent style can be a great way to establish your fashion identity. In fact, many successful celebrities are known for having specific outfits—think about Steve Jobs wearing the same black shirt and blue jeans, Mark Zuckerburg’s grey t-shirt, or Taylor Swift rocking beanies frequently. If you want to wear a beanie every day, more power to you! Just make sure that you’re taking care of your hair in the process by choosing your beanie wisely.